Raw Honey

Honey is the third most adulterated food in the world


The Facts

In 2022, the UK imported £104,002,000 of honey, constituting 90% of the country's consumption. Over 51% of the imported honey hails from China, Mexico, and Vietnam. Supermarket honey often gets diluted with syrups, allowing for cheap prices but compromising on authenticity.

Stats from (www.statista.com, the honey association, trendeconomy.com)

“Our Mission is to provide the nation with authentic premium Raw honey”

How we ensure our honey is Raw

At Malik's Honey, we guarantee raw, unadulterated honey. We independently lab-test our honey through the likes of QSI and Minerva, ensuring no added substances. Directly sourcing from the beekeepers and timely lab samples prevent adulteration. Navigating this requires genuine relationships with beekeepers and a keen understanding of raw honey taste—validated by honey sommeliers for our exceptional quality.

When honey is raw like our full range including our british honey - our customers feel the difference. Our turmeric honey has stopped coughs, colds and sore throats within days and sometimes even minutes. Our ginger honey has kept people happy and healthy all year round. Each infusion has a unique benefit for you to make the most of which is why we made a 6 pack at a discounted rate. So you can enjoy all of the honey!